My Story
In 2014 my life changed dramatically.
I gave up a well-paid, senior position in a corporate career, with no job to go to and a mortgage to pay. In the years following, I found my passion helping people become a happier, healthier and more successful version of themselves as a Personal Development Coach and NLP practitioner. I had two beautiful babies, married the man of my dreams and made some lifelong friendships along the way.
So why did I give up my corporate position and make such a huge change?
Looking back, although I didn’t know it at the time, I was experiencing a level of burnout. I suffered from anxiety, stress, overwhelm and feeling as if I wasn’t good enough. I struggled with trying to please people and was striving to be perfect in everything I did. I was also suffering from a toxic negative mindset and terrible self-doubt. I was running on empty, and the exhaustion I was experiencing took its toll on me physically and emotionally.
I knew I was suffering, but to begin with I also felt like I had to go on.
After all, I was ticking all the success boxes I had set for myself, maybe this was just what “success” looked like!
But in the end, I felt like the only choice I had, to get back some control and to look after myself, was to leave. I often wonder how differently things would have turned out if I’d known then, what I know now.
Today I have a passion for intentionally living each day as my best. One day this looks like thriving and moving forward, another it will look like pausing and reflecting. My mindset is the key to living my best life and it is a constant journey. I’m never far from a new book, piece of research or lesson to learn, and I know the impact this has when I share it with others.
I want to simplify well-being for everyone and to take away the feeling that it’s just another thing to add to our never ending to do lists. I know for certain that when I’m happy, calm, inspired and joyful, my kids, my business and everyone around me benefits. I see the ripple effect one happy, healthy person can have on a relationship, a family, or a company - Imagine how amazing it would be if we were all happy, healthy and thriving!