7 things to do when you're having a bad day

Today I’m having a “bad” day. I didn’t sleep well last night so that means I’m grumpy, tired and feeling very unmotivated. It’s one of those days nothing seems to go right and everything seems harder than it should be.

But I have a list as long as my arm of things I need to get done today. So what’s the best way to push through without feeling like you’re pushing yourself and get things done while still looking after yourself?

Here are some tips to help get you back on track, while still looking after yourself:

1. Find the cause

If you’re starting the day feeling low or grumpy or irritated, try and find what might have triggered this feeling. It’s sometimes easier to give yourself what you need when you know the cause.

For example mine today is an easy one, lack of sleep. Maybe your mood might be triggered by something else physical, an injury, aching muscles or a headache.

Or maybe it’s something going on that’s making you feel out of sorts, such as a problem at work or a relationship issue. It’s amazing how sometimes these things can bubble away under the surface and come out in all sorts of ways so it’s important we tune in and see what’s going on.

2. Don’t ignore it

It’s all to easy to push through or soldier on but really that’s only masking what’s going on. The reason you’re having a bad day will be there until you address it. Our brains and sub-conscious mind will keep working away at something, even if we’re distracting ourselves, so it’s better to find the reason and you can decide what you need to do to feel better.

3. What first?

Once you’ve found the cause, what can you do about it? Depending on what’s going on there may be a quick win solution and other things will need more time to work through.  

For me today I know my quick win and the best way for me to feel back on my game, is catch up on some sleep. I will try to manage just a 20 minute power nap but if that’s not possible I will change my routine tonight, get into bed early with no distractions and do everything I can to set myself up for a good night’s sleep.

If it’s something on your mind then try to get out a notepad and write down your feelings. See if you can process things better outside of you, rather than keeping it all bottled up. This might not be the long term solution but it will help you in the moment and may give you an insight into how to move forward another day.

4. Shake up your energy

If you’ve started the day feeling out of sorts in any way sometimes what’s needed is just a change of energy. This, whilst one of the easiest ways to feel better, is sometimes the hardest to do. When you feel like slouching down, snuggling up or moping around, using any more energy up might seem like the last thing you want to do. But if you can find a little spark to shake things up it will have a huge benefit. The easiest way I find to do this is through music or movement. Blast out your favourite tune, sing at the top of your voice, dance round the kitchen, rock out or boogie on down! Or maybe it’s being out in nature, moving your body, running it out or breathing in some sea air. Whatever you know lifts your spirits, puts a smile on your face and gets those happy hormones pumping - do it.  

5. Take the pressure off

When I first sat down to write my blog this morning it was going to be on a whole different subject, but because I was feeling down I just couldn’t get motivated to do it. I changed my mind a hundred times on the subject, wanting it to be good and piling on the pressure of having to “perform” when all I felt like doing was curling up in a ball. So I took the pressure off and just like that I started to write about how I felt and how that could help you.

This removing of pressure can be anything from letting the kids watch TV, rearranging a meeting or cancelling some plans. Take the pressure off and give yourself a break while you work through things.

6. Find the good but don’t beat yourself up with it

Perspective can sometimes be a good thing. Let’s face it we’ve all had bad days and we’ll all have them again and in the scheme of things they might not even be that bad. Sometimes a bit of perspective can help you feel better but don’t use it to beat yourself up. Just because you can think of a worse day you’ve had or someone else that’s going through a worse time than you, doesn’t mean your feelings aren’t valid. You get to feel however you want to feel but at some point you get to decide you’d like to do something to feel better.

7. Start a fresh

There’s always tomorrow right?! A fresh start, a new day, a line in the sand and I love this quote:

“If you’re having a bad day, just remember that you have managed to get through every bad day you’ve had. You’ll make it through this one too.” - Robert Tew

I hope if you’re having a bad day while reading this, you can find a small bit of inspiration to move you forward and get you through.

Much love

Gail x


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